Mother Shipton is a prominent spirit in the council of Witch Elders and helps to develop seership abilities and expand our psychic gifts. In life, she was famous 16th-century English seer and prophetess associated with mystical wisdom and psychic abilities. Work this ritual connecting with her legacy to increase psychic ability, tap into your intuition, enhance your spiritual sensitivity, and open your mind to higher levels of consciousness.
Materials Needed
- A purple or indigo candle: These colors are associated with the third eye and psychic abilities.
- Mugwort or lavender incense: Both herbs are traditionally used to enhance psychic powers.
- Image of Mother Shipton
- Glass of water: for a spirit offering
- A crystal: Amethyst, lapis lazuli or labradorite are excellent choices for boosting intuition and creating a seeing stone
- A bowl of water: To represent inner reflection and vision.
- Florida Water: to cleanse
- A journal and pen: For recording insights and experiences.
- A cup of herbal tea: Mugwort, chamomile, or lavender tea can help relax the mind and open the senses. Additionally, you could make this psychic potion tea blend recipe:
1 tsp Mugwort: Known for enhancing dreams and psychic visions.
1 tsp Damiana: Used for spiritual communication and connecting with the higher self.
1 tsp Lemon Balm: Calms the nerves and promotes a peaceful state of mind.
1/2 tsp Rosemary: Enhances memory, clarity, and psychic protection.
1/2 tsp Star Anise: For clarity in divination and protection.
Mix herbs together. Use 1-2 tsp of psychic herb blend per 8 oz of boiling water. Steep for 5-10 minutes. Sweeten as desired
PreparationChoose a Quiet Space: Select a peaceful, undisturbed place where you can focus on the ritual. Cleanse the area with dragon's blood, sage, florida water spray, or another preferred method to clear any negative energy.
Set Up Your Altar: Arrange the image of Mother Shipton, candle & water offering in a triangle formation. Place the bowl of water in front of the image of Mother Shipton.
Hold the bowl of water in both hands and focus on it. Say;
"This water is a symbol of clarity and purity, a vessel through which I invite Mother Shipton to connect with me and share her wisdom."
Have the crystal and journal on your altar or in front of you.
Light the incense to purify the space and invite in the energies of intuition and psychic awareness.
Light the Candle: Begin by lighting the white candle, saying;
"I light this candle to illuminate the path for Mother Shipton, inviting her presence into this space with love and respect."
Then light the purple or indigo candle, saying;
"I light this candle to honor Mother Shipton's wisdom and to open my mind to her guidance and increase my psychic ability."
Hold the Crystal: Take the crystal in your hand. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, allowing yourself to relax and center your mind. Ground your energy by visualizing roots growing down into the earth. Imagine the crystal amplifying your psychic abilities and opening your third eye.
Recite an Invocation: Speak or chant this invocation to Mother Shipton, asking for her guidance and blessings to increase your psychic abilities:
"Mother Shipton, wise and true, I call upon your sight so clear, Open my mind, enhance my view, Let the unseen now appear. Guide my thoughts, my dreams, my sight, Awaken my psychic gift tonight."
Sip the Herbal Tea: Take a sip of the herbal tea, allowing it to calm your body and mind. Imagine the warmth of the tea spreading through you, opening your intuition and enhancing your psychic sensitivity.
Gaze into the bowl of water: Gaze into it softly, without focusing too hard. As you do, allow your mind to wander and open to any images, symbols, or messages that come through. You might want to softly ask, "What do I need to see?" or "What messages do I need to receive?"
Meditate and Reflect: Spend a few moments in meditation, focusing on your breath and any sensations, thoughts, or visions that arise. Trust whatever comes to you, even if it seems subtle or unclear at first.
Write in Your Journal: After meditating, take a few minutes to write down any insights, feelings, or experiences in your journal. This practice helps solidify the experience and makes it easier to recognize patterns or messages over time.
Thank Mother Shipton: Thank Mother Shipton for her presence and guidance. Say;
"Thank you, Mother Shipton, for your wisdom and protection. I honor you and will carry your guidance with me."
Extinguish the candle and incense.
- Regular Practice: Perform this ritual regularly, perhaps during the waxing moon or on specific days that feel intuitively significant to you.
- Dream Work: Keep a dream journal by your bed to record any significant dreams or messages that come through during sleep.
- Mindfulness: Practice mindfulness and meditation regularly to keep your mind open and receptive to psychic insights.
With regular practice working this ritual, you can gradually enhance your psychic abilities, connect more deeply with your intuition, and open yourself to higher levels of spiritual awareness, all with the guidance and inspiration of Mother Shipton